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Spend minimum $250.00 - Recieve FREE !!                                                                             

3 Charm Necklace,  Finger Sizers,  Shear Case,

Heat Resistence Carbon Comb and pack of Gator Clips ! 

$50.00 - VALUE !!


Spend minimum $350.00 - Recieve FREE !!

3 Charm Necklace,  Feather Type Razor,  Finger Sizers,  Shear Case

Heat Resistence Carbon Comb and pack of Gator Clips !

$85.00 - VALUE !!


Spend minimum $450.00 - Recieve FREE !!

35 Tooth Akita Thinner,  3 Charm Necklace,  Finger Sizers

Shear Case,  Heat Resistence Comb !

$170.00 - VALUE !!


Spend minimun $600.00 - Recieve FREE !!

AKITA SHEAR SET !!  3 Charm Necklace and Heat Resistence Comb !-Also Surprise Gift!!!

$250.00 - VALUE !!